I've been working long hours and thus have neglected my blog duties.
I finished the glass blocks for the shower and it looks awesome. I put together a time-lapse movie of the process but have yet to finish it up for this blog. It's coming...
In the mean time we've got lots done in the past few days.

Don helped us out for a few days installing the bamboo floor and assembling all the cabinets. The reason he looks disembodied in the photo is because it is I stitched two photos together to get it all in but Don was only in one of them.

We've been working on getting the cabinets ready for the countertop so the plumber can install the sink.

And here is the main bathroom floor with its tiles, ready for cabinets, sink, and a toilet. I've been working on the master bathroom for the past few days and will photograph it when it's all done. It's going to look pretty cool.